August 28, 2020Comments are off for this post.

Bedienungsanleitung CleanCube Pro

August 28, 2020Comments are off for this post.

Bedienungsanleitung CleanCube Classic

August 28, 2020Comments are off for this post.

Bedienungsanleitung CleanCube Mini

Februar 20, 2020Comments are off for this post.

Berechnungsformular Kosten

Februar 20, 2020Comments are off for this post.

Sprühzeiten für Desinfektion

Februar 20, 2020Comments are off for this post.

Ersetzen des Luftfilters

Januar 15, 2020Comments are off for this post.

Film «Filterwechsel»

Januar 15, 2020Comments are off for this post.


September 20, 2018Comments are off for this post.

MPAV first SPD/CSSD to start 3D disinfection in the Decontamination Area

We are the proud supplier for the first 3D disinfected decon area in a CSSD known to us.

The MPAV is a reprocessing institution for medical instruments and products, based in the region of Vorarlberg Austria. Protecting the employees and patients with a high quality standards and new technologies are the goals to be supported by installing a CleanCube PRO in the decon area of the reprocessing unit.


 Steinemann Disinfection | CleanService Group AG

Wilerstrasse 2180
9230 Flawil

+41 71 555 11 30

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